Monday, April 5, 2010


Digestive tract ( often called the alimentary canal ) is a muscular tube or tunnel- like structure which contains the organs of the digestive system. This tube begins at the mouth and ends at the anus. Between these two points are the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines. In addition, accessory organs such as teeth, salivary glands, liver, gall bladder and pancreas are necessary for processing materials into usable substances.

1. INGESTION - food enters the mouth
2. MASTICATION - chewing action ( mechanically process, physically breaks down )
3. DIGESTION - chemical process of breaking down food
4. SECRETION - includes acids, buffers, enzymes and water
5. ABSORPTION - through the lining of the digestive tract use by the body
6. EXCRETION ( DEFECATION ) - waste products and unusable materials


Mouth is the opening that leads to the oral cavity, which is also called buccal cavity. Your lips or labia, act as a door to this chamber. The hard and soft palates create the roof of the chamber, while the tongue acts as the floor.


Tongue is a muscle that performs many duties. It provides taste stimuli to your brain, senses temperature and texture, manipulates food while chewing and aids in swallowing. The tongue pushes the food into a ball- like mass called bolus so it can be passed on to the pharynx. A membrane under your tongue, called lingual frenulum, which you can see when you lift up your tongue.

There are three pairs of salivary glands, which are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The parotid is found slightly inferior and anterior to the each ear. The ones that swell up when you got the mumps. The smallest salivary glands, the sublingual, are located under the toungue. The submandibular are located on both sides along the inner surface of the mandible, or lower jaw.

The final important components of the mechanical aspect of
digestion in the oral cavity are the teeth. It is unfortunate that we get only two sets of them in a lifetime. The first set of teeth are called decidous teeth, or known as " baby teeth. " It appear at around 6 months of age. Between the ages of 6 and 12 years the Tooth Fairy is kept busy as these teth are pushed out and replaced by the 32 larger permanent teeth.